Thursday, July 18, 2013


“When we feel, a kind of lyric is sung in our heart. 
When we think, a kind of music is played in our mind. 
In harmony, both create a beautiful symphony of life.” 
- Toba Beta

“Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words. ” 
- Robert G. Ingersoll

“If you're going to play it out of tune, then play it out of tune properly.” 
- Mark E. Smith

“For the record, folks; I never took a shit on stage and the closest I ever came to eating shit anywhere was at a Holiday Inn buffet in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 1973.” 
- Frank Zappa

“There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says, or perhaps it says it infinitely, or perhaps we do not understand it, or we understand it and it is untranslatable as music.” 
- Jorge Luis Borges

“Music has power to create a universe or to destroy a civilization.” 
- Katherine Neville

“My first wife said, 'It's either that
guitar or me,' you know -- and I give
you three guesses which one went.” 
- Jeff Beck

“Now I am going to reveal to you something which is very pure, a totally white thought. It is always in my heart; it blooms at each of my steps... The Dance is love, it is only love, it alone, and that is enough... I, then, it is amorously that I dance: to poems, to music but now I would like to no longer dance to anything but the rhythm of my soul.” 
- Isadora Duncan

“Music is what tell us that the human race is greater than we realize.” 
- Napoleon Bonaparte

“Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune.” 
- Deepak Chopra

“The Universe is making music all the time.” 
- Tom Waits

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music” 
- Sergei Rachmaninov

“You know what punk is? a bunch of no-talent guys who really, really want to be in a band. Nobody reads music, nobody plays the mandolin, and you're too dumb to write songs about mythology or Middle-earth. So what's your style? Three chords, cranked out fast and loud and distorted because your instruments are crap and you can't play them worth a damn. And you scream your lungs out to cover up the fact that you can't sing. It should suck, but here's the thing - it doesn't. Rock and roll can be so full of itself, but not this. It's simple and angry and raw.” 
- Gordon Korman  (Born to Rock)

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